Dailytrust reports that the girl, who is the fourth child of her parents, also has a crescent sign on her ankle. She was delivered at the Police Clinic along Barth Road Sokoto.
Her mom said among the peculiar things discovered on the girl is that she can’t have the earring hole on her ear lobe as after several attempt, the skin could not be pierced.

She was full of gratitude to Almighty Allah for giving her a baby with such inscription and expressed hope that it would make people to be closer to God and fear Him the more.
Alhaji Hussaini, the father who is a Mobile Police officer, said on receiving news of the baby, he was so full of anxiety that he could not even sleep on that day.
The Sultan of Sokoto Muhammad Saad Abubakar was amazed when the baby was taken to his Palace and expressed total submission to Allah for His wonders.
The royal father donated N100, 000, a ram, and 5 pieces of clothing materials to the family. He then urged the mother to take good care of the special baby